human-logs logo

A tiny log library that allows you to take events, explanations and solutions and connect them like lego-pieces to create user-friendly logs.


$ npm install human-logs


Click on the below buttons to see for yourself amazing your logs will be when using human-logs


Create your log function once, and use everywhere. One place for all of your logs. TypeScript types inferred like magic.

import { createHumanLogs } from 'human-logs'
export const apiLogs = createHumanLogs({
events: {
project_create_failed: 'Cannot create your project',
project_create_success: 'Successfully created your project.'
explanations: {
api_unreachable: 'because the API cannot be reached.'
solutions: {
check_status_page: {
template: 'You can check the status of our services on our status page.',
params: {},
actions: [
text: 'Go to status page',
href: ''
project_view: {
template: 'View the project.',
params: {},
actions: [
text: 'View',
href: ''
// You can now use 'apiLogs' to create user-friendly error logs,
// by connecting events, explanations and solutions like lego-blocks.
const log = apiLogs({
events: ['project_create_failed'],
explanations: ['api_unreachable'],
solutions: ['check_status_page']
// => Cannot create your project because the API cannot be reached.
// You can check the status of our services on our status page.
/* => [{
text: 'Go to status page',
href: ''
// => Cannot create your project because the API cannot be reached.
// You can check the status of our services on our status page.
// Go to status page (